

(CNN) -- Standing in the shadow of the Burj Dubai Kye Ho Kim of Samsung Construction

Standing about a half mile high, it will be the world's tallest building, with the most floors (164) and the world's highest and fastest building. "This building is going to break so many records," said Kim, whose company is building the $4 billion tower, scheduled to open later this year. "This is kind of a project like the first exploration of the moon. Nobody can challenge it."

半マイルもの高さでそびえ立つBurj Dubaiビルは世界で最もフロア数が多い高層ビルだ。世界で最も高く最も速いビルでもある。「このビルは過去の多くの記録を打ち破るだろう」とサムスン 建設のキムは述べた。サムスン建設は今年末に開業予定のBurj Dubaiビルを40億ドルで請け負っている。「このプロジェクトは最初の有人月着陸のようなものだ。誰も真似することができない」とキムは述べた。

November 16, 2009
Opening of Burj Dubai, world’s tallest tower, delayed

Visitors will have to wait until early next year for the opening of the world’s tallest building in Dubai. The Burj Dubai will now debut on Jan. 4, a month later than expected

世界で最も高いBurj Dubaiビルの訪問者は来年まで開場を待つことになった。1ヶ月遅れの1月4日にデビューする予定だ。


Nov. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World, with $59 billion of liabilities, is seeking to delay debt payments, sending contracts to protect the emirate against default surging by the most since they began trading in January.
590億ドルの負債をかかえるDubai Worldは負債支払い延期を求めており、アブダビのCDSは1月に取引が開始されてから最大の上げ幅を見せた。

Dubai accumulated $80 billion of debt by expanding in banking, real estate and transportation before credit markets seized up last year. Contracts protecting against default rose 116 basis points to 434 basis points yesterday, the most since they began trading in January, ranking it the sixth highest-risk government borrower, according to credit-default swap prices from CMA Datavision in London. The contracts, which increase as perceptions of credit quality deteriorate, are higher than Iceland’s after climbing 131 basis points in November, the biggest monthly increase since January.

ドゥバイは昨年、信用市場が凍り付くまでに銀行業務、不動産、交通 手段を拡大するために負債を800億ドルまでふくらませた。昨日、ドゥバイのCDSは116bp上昇し、434bpとなったとロンドンに本社をおくCMA Datavisionは述べた。CDSの増加は信用劣化を意味するのだが、11月に131bp上昇したことでCDSはアイスランドより高くなった。この増 加幅は年初から最大の月次増加だ。

Dubai, the second biggest of seven sheikhdoms that make up the United Arab Emirates, and home to the world’s tallest tower and the biggest man-made islands, suffered the world’s steepest property slump in the global credit crisis as home prices fell 50 percent from their 2008 peak, according to Deutsche Bank. UBS AG predicted a further 30 percent drop in a report last week.

ドゥバイ はアラブ首長国連合の7つの国の中でも2番目に大きく、世界で最も高いタワー・ビルと世界最大の人工島を持つ。だが2008年のピークから住宅価格が 50%下落するなか、世界信用危機における最も激しい不動産下落を経験したとドイツ銀行は言う。UBSが先週発表した報告書では、住宅価格はさらに30% 下落すると予測している。

Credit-default swaps linked to Abu Dhabi rose 34.5 basis points to 134.5, according to CMA prices in London. The cost of the contracts increased throughout the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia climbing 11.5 to 86.5 basis points and Qatar rising 5.5 basis points to 99, according to CMA.


Last Updated: November 25, 2009 16:35 EST